A Guide on How to Get Hacked

Updated: 10 September, 2024

1 June, 2023

Grab your tin-foil hats, dust off your most outdated antivirus software, and get ready to laugh, groan, and maybe even learn a thing or two (what not to do). Let’s dive right into this pit of craziness and embrace the delightfully disastrous effects of being hacked! The 5 main steps we will go through to successfully get hacked are: Have a simple password, Share secrets on social media, Click on Everything, Ignore updates and finally share your personal information to any and everyone who asks for it!

Key Takeaways:

  • The simpler your password, the easier it is for hackers to guess. Complexity is your friend in the digital world.
  • Social media is not the place for your personal secrets. Keep sensitive information off the internet to maintain your privacy.
  • Clicking on everything is a surefire way to invite malware. Be cautious and think before you click.
  • Ignoring updates and patches leaves your software vulnerable. Regular updates are crucial for maintaining a secure digital environment.
  • Sharing personal information with strangers, whether on calls or online forms, can lead to identity theft. Protect your information as you would protect your wallet.

DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind that everything said is done for satire and dubious curiosity.

Shocked after getting hacked

Step 1: Password Masterpiece

Ah, passwords – the gatekeepers of our digital lives! But who needs complex, hard-to-crack codes when you can create a password that even a toddler could guess? First, start by selecting a password that is disarmingly simple. Instead of resorting to a jumble of random characters, opt for something more relatable. How about using the word “password” itself? It’s cleverly disguised as a password, ensuring that no hacker would suspect such audacity. And let’s not underestimate the power of repetition. Why settle for a single password when you can use it across all your online accounts? Or you can use <yourname123> for bonus points. Uniformity is the key to a convenient and streamlined hacking experience.


Step 2: Share your Secrets on Social Media

The wonders of social media, where privacy goes to take an extended vacation! If you’re truly committed to the art of getting hacked, it’s time to embrace the platform with open arms and spill your deepest secrets for all to see.

Start by sharing your full name with pride. Middle names, nicknames, and aliases? Forget about them! Let the world know every last detail of your legal identity. After all, anonymity is so yesterday.

But wait, there’s more. Dive deeper into the realms of oversharing by posting pictures of important documents. Snap a photo of your passport, driver’s license, or even your credit cards. It’s a testament to your trust in the digital world, showcasing just how willing you are to embrace the risks that come with it.


Step 3: Click on Everything

When it comes to getting hacked, there’s no better way to invite chaos into your digital life than by giving in to the temptation of clicking on every suspicious link that crosses your path. Get ready to embrace the art of impulsive clicking and let malware dance its way into your devices!

Forget about those pesky warning signs like strange email addresses, generic subject lines, or broken English. These are mere distractions that prevent you from embarking on a thrilling journey through the realms of cyber-insecurity. Clicking on that suspicious link is like stepping through the looking glass – who knows what wonders await? Open every suspicious email, click on every tempting link and download every sketchy attachment. Bonus points if you unzip something with a password.


Step 4: Ignore Updates and Patches

Those annoying reminders that seek to disrupt the delicate balance of your digital existence. But fear not! If you truly aspire to be a hacking enthusiast, it’s imperative to embrace the art of neglecting updates and patches. After all, who needs those pesky security fixes when you can revel in the thrill of outdated software?

Remember, outdated software is the gateway to adventure. By refusing to update, you’re opening a world of opportunity for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities that have been addressed in the latest versions. It’s like leaving a backdoor wide open, inviting cybercriminals to explore your digital realm at their leisure. Additionally, disable those automatic updates that try to sneakily keep your software secure without your consent.


Step 5: Give Your Information to Strangers

Last but not least – if you truly wish to be a hacking connoisseur, there’s no better way to invite chaos into your life than by willingly handing over your personal information to complete strangers. First, let’s focus on phone calls. When a stranger claims to be a tech support specialist or a representative from your bank, don’t hesitate to divulge all your sensitive information. Credit card numbers, social security numbers, and so on! After all, why not gift-wrap your identity for these charming individuals to enjoy?

When a website asks for your personal information, such as your date of birth, home address, or even your deepest secrets, don’t hold back! Fill in those boxes and provide as much information as you possibly can.



In summary: Privacy is highly overrated. By spreading your personal information on social media, you’re basically rolling out the red carpet for hackers, inviting them to partake in the exhilarating adventure of infiltrating your digital existence. So go ahead, bare it all for the world to see – the thrill of the hack awaits!

As Oscar Wilde said, “there is only one thing worse to being targeted online, it is not being targeted online”.

Remember, dear readers, this blog post is intended for entertainment purposes only! Please exercise caution, follow proper cybersecurity practices, and keep your virtual self secure from the eyes of mischievous hackers. Stay safe in the digital world!

Maybe the EU CRA regulation will make the internet a safer place. But probably not. It’s still up to you to develop good cyber hygiene. 

If you enjoyed this satirical blogpost, also read my blogpost on how to skip classes! https://codific.com/a-guide-on-how-to-skip-classes/


Leo is a Market Analyst at Codific. He is currently doing his Bachelor's degree in International Business Management at the Geneva Business School where he is consistently top of class. Leo writes about topics ranging from patient centered care to data protection strategies. If you have questions, reach out to me hereContact

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