
Online examinations are at least a decade-long tradition in many modern universities and institutions. Codific TestPortal has been in use at the KU Leuven since 2007 with more than 15000 tests so far. As with conventional paper-​pencil exams, the TestPortal typically takes place in a central location and under supervision. Unfortunately during the COVID-19 crisis this is temporarily not feasible. There is a growing need in schools and universities to organize exams in a decentralized fashion, while ensuring the supervision aspect.


Codific has developed Supervisor as a monitoring solution for students who take the exam online in the comfort of their home. Supervisor is integrated in the browser and supervises students during the exam.

We leverage prevention, detection and optional monitoring techniques to make sure students are playing by the rules.

The prevention strategy is relatively straightforward and includes question randomization, answer ordering, time pressure, etc. Detection is based on two pillars: audio/video recording and behavioral analysis.

TestPortal with Supervisor


During the exam the system will record three channels: the computer screen, the camera and the microphone. These recordings are immediately encrypted and saved on a secured server leveraging existing VideoLab technology.

Behavioral Analysis

Supervisor uses an algorithm of pattern recognition in responses, clicking behavior and timestamp analyses. Supervisor analyses both individual behavior as well as correlations across students. Each exam submission is given a suspicion rating.

When the suspicion rating is above a threshold value the submission is flagged and a human supervisor is provided with the recordings and a report on the flagged behavior. The human supervisor will review the case and make the decision.


Supervisor also allows for optional human oversight during the examination. The behavioural analytics engine reports in real-time for potential incidents. The human monitor can immediately join the live feed of each student to obtain more information.

In addition to the technical solution we expect the advanced control on TestPortal with Supervisor to have a preventive effect on students’ behavior.

Student screen while taking the exam

TestPortal with Supervisor

Live feed of all students during the exam with a suspicion score

TestPortal with Supervisor

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